关于化妆品产品注册那点事儿– 一个资深注册员谈注册(保健食品注册也可参考)
- [帮助中心]申报为什么要找代理?代理申报和企业自行申报相比有什么优势?
- [帮助中心]可以和你们公司的各地代表处签订合作协议吗?
- [帮助中心]委托你公司申报,还需要我们到北京去吗?
- [帮助中心]委托你们申报能100%保证成功吗?你们和主管部门的关系怎么样?
- [帮助中心]为什么各个代理公司的收费差距这么大?我应该相信谁?
- [帮助中心]不良代理机构会有哪些风险?我想委托申报,但又很担心被骗
- [帮助中心]关于《申报攻略》系列文章原创性的说明
- [帮助中心]如何选择化妆品、保健食品申报注册代理机构?
- [帮助中心]如何鉴别同行剽窃天健华成申报攻略文章
- [审批动态]2022年08月15日化妆品批准证明文件待领取信息发布
- [申报资讯]重磅!进口非特殊化妆品纸质批件取消,统一全国电子备案凭证
- [常见问题]国家药监局化妆品备案注册培训内容问答
- [审批动态]2023年12月29日保健食品注册批件(决定书)待领取信息-1
- [帮助中心]委托你们申报能100%保证成功吗?你们和主管部门的关系怎么样?
- [申报资讯]国家药监局:化妆品“一号多用”违法行为专项检查动员部署会召开
- [审批动态]2023年11月08日化妆品注册批准证明文件送达信息发布
- [常见问题]植物原料该如何提供标准中文名称?
- [审批动态]2023年06月25日化妆品决定书送达信息发布
- [Laws]Imported Cosmetics CFDA Registration 8 Steps
- Main Responsibilities of the National Medical Products Administration
- NMPA Announcement on Issuance and Implementation of the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Labels
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Catalogue of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (Edition 2021)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Working Procedures for the Administration of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics and the Technical Guidelines for the Study and Drafting of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics
- Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidelines for Submitting Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics (Interim)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Classification Rules and Classification Catalogue of Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)
- Contact Us
- BeijingTianjianhuacheng International Investment Co.,Ltd
- Guideline of application and evaluation of children’s cosmetics
- Cosmetics declare FAQ
- Declarations Registered Raiders of Cosmetics
- Procedure
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- Cooperation cases
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)